I rhymed, how bout that. Also it was created by Bill Cosby, so yea.

Little Bill has a lot of things going for it. 1st it is the perfect preschool kinder gardener show. It's about this little boy named Bill, who everyone calls Little Bill. He lives in Philly with his family and has amazing adventures with his imagination. The characters remind me a lot of my nieces and nephews. Little Bill is always making up little songs about what he is doing and it reminds me of
2nd is the animation, it's simple and bright. The animators us a lot of basic shapes and colors that are easy for young children to identify, but they mix and match them to make some pretty sweet images. They don't ever over complicate what’s one the screen and for some reason it reminds me of how I used to view the world at that age.
3rd and best of all is the Jazz. The whole thing is scored by the smoothest Jazz music in the world, perfect for waking up to. It is reminiscent of Vince Guaralid's music for the peanuts cartoons. I just lie there under my blankets and listen to the Jazz.
I began to think that this might be weird, that something about a 27 year old man lying in bed listening to a TV show for 4 year olds just for the music is wrong. So I asked that question on Yahoo Answers, and I am glad to report that it turns out that I am not the only adult who does this. turns out there are a few of us who watch Little Bill for the music. Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and listen some more.
I've watched Little Bill for years and never really noticed any of those things you talked about. But I don't have a creative bone in my body so I probably wouldn't notice those kinds of things. Luke loved Little Bill when he was younger so we have a Little Bill doll if you'd like to borrow it. But then there might be something wrong with a 27 year old who slept with a Little Bill doll.