Here is the next part to the Neil story. So David if you haven’t read the Neil story yet scroll down and do so now. I don’t know how I feel about this one yet but here it is for you to read. I really like some of Septembers’ parts in this; it really goes to show some of his personality I think.

“It’s ok the house is sealed off, no elf will be able to get in.” the man got up and started walking to the kitchen. “Come on let’s talk over coffee, it’ll help your head.”
Neil couldn’t think of a reason not to trust the man so he got up and followed him across the house. He entered a small kitchen and to his surprise the man was already pouring from a kettle from the stove. He handed Neil a cup of hot brown liquid, Neil smelt it, and it didn’t smell good.
“Go ahead and drink, it’s like tea only made from beans.” Neil waited for the man to give it a try before sipping at his own. It tasted burnt and muddy. “Sorry I don’t make a good coffee, just a strong one. Maybe this will help.” He reached in his coat and pulled out what Neil recognized as a flask. He held out his cup eagerly and the man poured a little of the unnamed liquor in. he retired his coffee, it was now palatable. “Good old Tennessee Whiskey, it even makes beans good.”
“Tennessee, where’s that, Wales? Are you from Wales?”
“No I’m not from Wales, I’m from New Mexico.” The man waited to see if that meant anything to Neil, when he saw that it didn’t he went on. “It’s in America.”
Neil found that he was surprised at how calm he was; he just sipped his coffee and thought it over. “Ok, America, you’re telling me that you are from across the ocean, and what, you’re the first man to break the seal into England in 200 years?”
“And you made it all the way across England to the Scottish border without being caught by elves?”
“ok.” They sat there in silence sipping coffee watching each other.
“You are surprisingly calm.” the man said.
“I would have to agree. Normally I would have stabbed you by now as you are obviously an elf spy. Did you put something in this uh…”
“Yes, Coffee?”
“No I don’t think so. I must tell you that I am feeling really calm myself.” They took another moment to sip at their coffees and think about their situations. “I think I know what’s going on. September would you come in here please.” The dark skin man from before entered the kitchen, he too seemed very calm; it was a contrast to his fierce concentration on the door that he had on in the other room. “September did you do something to make it calm?”
“Yes,” he answered, “I was afraid that the Scotsman would try and attack us so I calmed things down a bit.” Neil started to nod in silent agreement. “Is that a problem, I can take the effect away if you want?”
“No no, just lower it some would you. I feel like I’ve been put out to pasture.” September said that he would and then returned to the other room. “That was September, he’s and Indian.”
“He doesn’t look Indian, are you sure he’s not Pakistani?”
“Not that kind of Indian, he’s and American Indian, a Native American.” Neil nodded. “You have Indians and Pakistanis in Scotland?”
“Oh yes, there were many living here at the time the elves came. Each have either own clan now, good people. Is he using magic?”
“Yes and no, is that a problem?”
“Only elves use magic, so it makes you elf spies. I am going to have to kill you.”
“Wait a minute, wait one cotton picking minute, we saved you from the elves. You ain’t going to kill us.”
“Oh I’m not?” Neil could feel some of his calm melt away.
“No not because we use magic, god it’s not even real magic, well not like elf magic, it’s different. Elf magic is spells and enchantment right, it does stuff, stuff you notice. We’ll this magic is different, it’s passive, elf magic is narrow and our magic is broad, you get what I’m saying?” Neil did not. “You see it’s different, it’s different. God September get in here and help me out.”
September came back into the room and this time instead of calm and controlled he seemed a bit more loss as he leaned on the door frame. “This is American magic; in truth it’s not even called magic. It is power granted us by the land because we are one with the land and it is one with us. One with the trees, one with the grass, one with the birds and one with the animals.”
“Yes like druids, but from America.” September seemed pleased that he was able to make Neil understand. That was until Neil drew one of his knives.
“Druids were fond of human sacrifices.”
September began to chuckle, “well who wasn’t back then, but be assured we don’t do that anymore.” September was glaring at Neil with an eerie smile on his face. It seemed to pull back the corners of his mouth too far and show too much of his teeth. Neil was caught up by it, it seem to pull him in. he didn’t even notice the other man come towards him until he spoke.
“Can we please put the knife away?” he was reaching for the knife and Neil panicked. He swung out with it, but the man was fast and was able to move away. Neil slashed at him twice more driving him back. But on his next attack the man was able to grab his arm and force it up. The knife stuck into the ceiling and Neil lost his grip on it. The man let Neil go and began to scold September instead of Neil. “I thought you were making it calm in here?”
“I am, he stopped didn’t he? He has several more knives on him and a gun he could use any of those.”
Then man looked back at Neil, “let’s try this again, my name is Allen.” He put out his hand. Neil could feel the urge to stab it well up inside of him but never reach the surface. He took the hand in his own instead.
“Well howdy Neil, glad to meet ya. I’m going to take out some papers I want you to look at and then you can tell me what you are going to do next. How’s that sound?” Neil nodded and took the papers when Allen produced them. They were wrapped in oilskin and printed on thick paper. Each one had a gold seal on the top of it stating it was from the desk of the President of the United States of America. They seemed very official and stated that Allen was a dully appointed representative from America to whomever he found living on the isle of Brittan and Ireland. They said that he comes in peace and that he is to offer help to any legitimate ruling body he finds.
“Are these for real?”
“Real as you and I. what do you think, enough to get me into Scotland?” Allen seem to look genuine.
“Those will probably get you arrested and detained at any of the gates leading into Scotland. But if anyone with rank thinks these are real you will be sent to the capital.”
“Well that sounds like a plan.” Neil’s mood was picking up.
“it sounds like something, I don’t know if it’s a plan.” Chimed in September.
“No it’ll be great. We show up at one of these gates with Neil here to introduce us, we can cut through all that red tape.”
“Now wait on second, I am not taking you to a gate. I’m a Pict, I don’t use gates, I go through the wall. I show up at a gate and I can kiss my job away.”
“Then what do we do?”
“We do nothing. I go back through the wall, and I’ll take those papers with me. You will show up in two days at the gate I tell you to. That’s the only way you’re getting into Scotland, I’ll make sure of that.”
“Neil it almost sounds like you don’t want to help us.”Allen said almost mockingly.
“You know good and well that I don’t, but its part of my orders to have you come to a gate, and any other human wanting into Scotland. So just remember I’m doing it for my country not for you. Now listen up there is a gate nearly 32 miles to the west of here be there at sundown in 2 days.” Neil looked at his watch, time was running out. “Now lads I have to be heading back to my wall. I’ll see you in 2 days.” He took the papers and put them in his backpack, then pulled his knife from the ceiling.
“Can’t you stay a little longer Neil? We were just getting to be friends.” This time it was Neil’s turn to glare. Allen just smiled and shrugged. With the calm wearing off and Neil could see that Allen had a strange personality. “We can get you to the wall whenever you want.”
“I use my legs not your dirty magic. 2 days, sundown.” And Neil left.
Allen and September sat quietly for awhile before Allen finally spoke. “God I hate waiting. That’s all we ever did in France.”
“Then you will hate Scotland, Sounds like we will be playing a lot of the militaries favorite game.” Allen gave him a quizative look. “The Hurry Up and Wait game. I guess I’m supposed to follow him and make sure he gets back ok?”
“I’d appreciate it. It wouldn’t bode well if our papers were found by the elves. And when you get back can you do something about this knife hole in the ceiling. Don’t want anyone to know we were here.”
If you want to know how Sptember made it so calm I know how in detail, it just never seemed to work it's way into the story.

“It’s ok the house is sealed off, no elf will be able to get in.” the man got up and started walking to the kitchen. “Come on let’s talk over coffee, it’ll help your head.”
Neil couldn’t think of a reason not to trust the man so he got up and followed him across the house. He entered a small kitchen and to his surprise the man was already pouring from a kettle from the stove. He handed Neil a cup of hot brown liquid, Neil smelt it, and it didn’t smell good.
“Go ahead and drink, it’s like tea only made from beans.” Neil waited for the man to give it a try before sipping at his own. It tasted burnt and muddy. “Sorry I don’t make a good coffee, just a strong one. Maybe this will help.” He reached in his coat and pulled out what Neil recognized as a flask. He held out his cup eagerly and the man poured a little of the unnamed liquor in. he retired his coffee, it was now palatable. “Good old Tennessee Whiskey, it even makes beans good.”
“Tennessee, where’s that, Wales? Are you from Wales?”
“No I’m not from Wales, I’m from New Mexico.” The man waited to see if that meant anything to Neil, when he saw that it didn’t he went on. “It’s in America.”
Neil found that he was surprised at how calm he was; he just sipped his coffee and thought it over. “Ok, America, you’re telling me that you are from across the ocean, and what, you’re the first man to break the seal into England in 200 years?”
“And you made it all the way across England to the Scottish border without being caught by elves?”
“ok.” They sat there in silence sipping coffee watching each other.
“You are surprisingly calm.” the man said.
“I would have to agree. Normally I would have stabbed you by now as you are obviously an elf spy. Did you put something in this uh…”
“Yes, Coffee?”
“No I don’t think so. I must tell you that I am feeling really calm myself.” They took another moment to sip at their coffees and think about their situations. “I think I know what’s going on. September would you come in here please.” The dark skin man from before entered the kitchen, he too seemed very calm; it was a contrast to his fierce concentration on the door that he had on in the other room. “September did you do something to make it calm?”
“Yes,” he answered, “I was afraid that the Scotsman would try and attack us so I calmed things down a bit.” Neil started to nod in silent agreement. “Is that a problem, I can take the effect away if you want?”
“No no, just lower it some would you. I feel like I’ve been put out to pasture.” September said that he would and then returned to the other room. “That was September, he’s and Indian.”
“He doesn’t look Indian, are you sure he’s not Pakistani?”
“Not that kind of Indian, he’s and American Indian, a Native American.” Neil nodded. “You have Indians and Pakistanis in Scotland?”
“Oh yes, there were many living here at the time the elves came. Each have either own clan now, good people. Is he using magic?”
“Yes and no, is that a problem?”
“Only elves use magic, so it makes you elf spies. I am going to have to kill you.”
“Wait a minute, wait one cotton picking minute, we saved you from the elves. You ain’t going to kill us.”
“Oh I’m not?” Neil could feel some of his calm melt away.
“No not because we use magic, god it’s not even real magic, well not like elf magic, it’s different. Elf magic is spells and enchantment right, it does stuff, stuff you notice. We’ll this magic is different, it’s passive, elf magic is narrow and our magic is broad, you get what I’m saying?” Neil did not. “You see it’s different, it’s different. God September get in here and help me out.”
September came back into the room and this time instead of calm and controlled he seemed a bit more loss as he leaned on the door frame. “This is American magic; in truth it’s not even called magic. It is power granted us by the land because we are one with the land and it is one with us. One with the trees, one with the grass, one with the birds and one with the animals.”
“Yes like druids, but from America.” September seemed pleased that he was able to make Neil understand. That was until Neil drew one of his knives.
“Druids were fond of human sacrifices.”
September began to chuckle, “well who wasn’t back then, but be assured we don’t do that anymore.” September was glaring at Neil with an eerie smile on his face. It seemed to pull back the corners of his mouth too far and show too much of his teeth. Neil was caught up by it, it seem to pull him in. he didn’t even notice the other man come towards him until he spoke.
“Can we please put the knife away?” he was reaching for the knife and Neil panicked. He swung out with it, but the man was fast and was able to move away. Neil slashed at him twice more driving him back. But on his next attack the man was able to grab his arm and force it up. The knife stuck into the ceiling and Neil lost his grip on it. The man let Neil go and began to scold September instead of Neil. “I thought you were making it calm in here?”
“I am, he stopped didn’t he? He has several more knives on him and a gun he could use any of those.”
Then man looked back at Neil, “let’s try this again, my name is Allen.” He put out his hand. Neil could feel the urge to stab it well up inside of him but never reach the surface. He took the hand in his own instead.
“Well howdy Neil, glad to meet ya. I’m going to take out some papers I want you to look at and then you can tell me what you are going to do next. How’s that sound?” Neil nodded and took the papers when Allen produced them. They were wrapped in oilskin and printed on thick paper. Each one had a gold seal on the top of it stating it was from the desk of the President of the United States of America. They seemed very official and stated that Allen was a dully appointed representative from America to whomever he found living on the isle of Brittan and Ireland. They said that he comes in peace and that he is to offer help to any legitimate ruling body he finds.
“Are these for real?”
“Real as you and I. what do you think, enough to get me into Scotland?” Allen seem to look genuine.
“Those will probably get you arrested and detained at any of the gates leading into Scotland. But if anyone with rank thinks these are real you will be sent to the capital.”
“Well that sounds like a plan.” Neil’s mood was picking up.
“it sounds like something, I don’t know if it’s a plan.” Chimed in September.
“No it’ll be great. We show up at one of these gates with Neil here to introduce us, we can cut through all that red tape.”
“Now wait on second, I am not taking you to a gate. I’m a Pict, I don’t use gates, I go through the wall. I show up at a gate and I can kiss my job away.”
“Then what do we do?”
“We do nothing. I go back through the wall, and I’ll take those papers with me. You will show up in two days at the gate I tell you to. That’s the only way you’re getting into Scotland, I’ll make sure of that.”
“Neil it almost sounds like you don’t want to help us.”Allen said almost mockingly.
“You know good and well that I don’t, but its part of my orders to have you come to a gate, and any other human wanting into Scotland. So just remember I’m doing it for my country not for you. Now listen up there is a gate nearly 32 miles to the west of here be there at sundown in 2 days.” Neil looked at his watch, time was running out. “Now lads I have to be heading back to my wall. I’ll see you in 2 days.” He took the papers and put them in his backpack, then pulled his knife from the ceiling.
“Can’t you stay a little longer Neil? We were just getting to be friends.” This time it was Neil’s turn to glare. Allen just smiled and shrugged. With the calm wearing off and Neil could see that Allen had a strange personality. “We can get you to the wall whenever you want.”
“I use my legs not your dirty magic. 2 days, sundown.” And Neil left.
Allen and September sat quietly for awhile before Allen finally spoke. “God I hate waiting. That’s all we ever did in France.”
“Then you will hate Scotland, Sounds like we will be playing a lot of the militaries favorite game.” Allen gave him a quizative look. “The Hurry Up and Wait game. I guess I’m supposed to follow him and make sure he gets back ok?”
“I’d appreciate it. It wouldn’t bode well if our papers were found by the elves. And when you get back can you do something about this knife hole in the ceiling. Don’t want anyone to know we were here.”
If you want to know how Sptember made it so calm I know how in detail, it just never seemed to work it's way into the story.